Eco Film Club

Every Friday we get together to watch a film with themes that relate to Sadhana Forest. These can be films about environment, natural history, social issues, etc.

We open this evening to guests and welcome anyone that would like to share this evening with us. Reservations are not required. We provide a free shuttle bus from the center of Auroville to Sadhana Forest and back. Before the featured film we have a tour of the project, explaining the project’s mission, achievements, challenges, and future aspirations.

After the film we provide a vegan, organic dinner free of charge. This evening is given as a gift. To read more about why we don't charge for activities such as these go to: "Gift Economy".


  • 16:00 - Our first shuttle bus leaves from The Solar Kitchen (located in the center of Auroville) to Sadhana Forest. Whoever wants to come for the tour of the project should take this bus.
  • 16:30 - 18:30 Tour of the project.
  • 18:00 - Our second shuttle bus leaves from The Solar Kitchen (located in the center of Auroville) to Sadhana Forest. Whoever wants to come just for the movie and not the tour of the project should take this bus.
  • 18:30 - 19:00 Screening of films about Sadhana Forest.
  • 19:00 - Screening of the featured Eco Film Club movie.
  • 20:30 - Vegan organic dinner served.
  • 21:30 - Bus returns to The Solar Kitchen in Auroville.

This Week At The Eco Film Club:

  • Human and animal communication creates a valuable bridge between human and non-human animals. By connecting with our intuition, we can engage in meaningful dialogue. We also remember how to hear the subtle messages from those whose space we share in our lives and our natural environment. Coming from a place of respect and reverence for […]

  • Witness the planet’s breathtaking diversity — from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti. This film provides us with spectacular footage that shows us just how magnificent life on this planet is. It demonstrates where the planet is in need of our help and how we can help take […]

  • I Like It RAW is a documentary based on the premise that food is medicine. Join documentary filmmaker Dana Giesbrecht as she follows 5 meat-eating Albertans with pre-existing health conditions as they attempt to go fully RAW for 30 days and reclaim their health. This film will illuminate many truths about our food that are […]

  • In a new approach to help end hunting of the Amazonian manatee, a research project is working with traditional hunting communities. This project aims at the rescue and release injured manatees back into the wild. While this will only affect a small number of animals directly, it may help to change attitudes towards them and […]

  • The San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, is the midpoint in a 10,000 mile long migration route for the grey whale – one of the longest migrations of all mammals. They come here to mate, give birth and raise their calves in the safety of the lagoon. Because they come here every year at the same time, […]

  • The Economics of Happiness spells out the social, spiritual, and ecological costs of today’s global economy while highlighting the multiple benefits of economic localization. The film showcases the steps people are already taking worldwide to rebuild their local economies and communities. Featuring Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Samdhong Rinpoche, and other inspiring thinkers. 2011 […]

  • February 18

    Stephen and Mark follow four of the last remaining northern white rhinos as they were transferred from Dvur Králové Zoo in the Czech Republic to a protected reserve in Kenya, in a last-ditch attempt to save the subspecies from extinction. This heartfelt attempt to save a peculiar yet beautiful rhinoceros is the reassurance we need […]

  • Thankfully, lessons have been learned from the extinction that might mean the black rhino will not be allowed to dwindle into extinction. A relocation project for some of the remaining individuals is underway in Kenya. Rhino from Nairobi National Park are released into a 90,000 hectare conservancy, and although the area is fenced and protected, […]

  • The Cassowary is a visually spectacular one-hour film that explores the life of the endangered southern cassowary through the eyes of matriarch Bertha, as she and her family strive to survive in the tropics of northern Queensland in the oldest rainforest on Earth. Over the course of one tumultuous season, Bertha, her partner and her […]

  • This documentary showcases the efforts taken to conserve the elusive and fascinating aye-aye. Conservationists are battling to preserve the remaining fragmented islands of forest by planting green corridors and engaging local communities. In a Malagasy village, Fry and Carwardine witness a traditional healing ceremony. The aye-aye has been a victim of cultural beliefs as well […]

May the forest be with you.
Sadhana Forest