The Vegan Animal Sanctuary in Sadhana Forest, India provides a loving home and sanctuary for cows and other animals in need. All the animals who have found a home with us are rescued and were destined for slaughter or suffering from serious injury and illness. These residents now have the freedom to explore and enjoy a huge forest space and are provided with loving care, safety and security.
Sadhana Forest is one of the only Vegan farm animal sanctuaries in Asia.
The Sanctuary was founded in September 2016 with just two cows and has now grown to accommodate ten cows and a number of dogs and cats.
The Sadhana Forest sanctuary is funded solely on private donations. Our hope is to be able to secure more funding and have it keep growing, like our trees here!
Have you ever wanted to live in a vegan volunteer community with compassion at its core and with the opportunity to care for animals?
you are ready to make a moooove, join us
here. https://sadhanaforest.org/india/get-involved-india/getting-involved/
Meet some of our residents:
Vishnu is incredibly inquisitive, sweet and gentle. He loves the company of humans and will always be the first to greet you. Vishnu is very fond of physical contact and loves to return the favour during brushing time, licking and rubbing against you to show his affection and appreciation.

Vishnu was one of the first cows in our sanctuary and came to us from the Blue Cross of India, Chennai branch after being rescued from the street. During his time in the streets, his gentle nature was taken advantage of and as a result, he still carries the scars from cigarette burns on his ears.
Hari is a very playful and relaxed cow. The moment you pick up a brush Hari will be by your side, ready to lap up plenty of attention and direct you to all his favourite brushing spots.

Hari arrived along with Vishnu from the Blue Cross of India, Chennai branch after he too had been abandoned.
Happy came to us from a local farm who had no need for a male and would have otherwise seen no alternative but to send him to slaughter.

As the largest cow, Happy naturally took on the role of leader. He is also the most adventurous and agile of our cows, scaling high fences with ease, especially if there’s food to be found on the other side! Happy was once a very nervous cow but he now loves to be brushed and definitely takes advantage of his stature to ensure he always gets lots of love and attention.
After being retired as a dairy cow, Chandra was left to roam a village, aimlessly searching for food. It was during this time she was hit by a motorbike, breaking her leg. Her owner could not afford the proper treatment and she was facing slaughter until a local farm took her on and provided the necessary surgery, removing 2 inches from her leg. Since she was no longer an effective dairy cow, she found a home and a chance to recuperate with us.

As a result of her injury and her older age, Chandra receives a little extra attention – including daily oil massages! Chandra is incredibly gentle and always welcomes human affection, despite her difficult past and physical limitations.
Lucky began her life as a dairy cow but after failing to get pregnant and produce milk, she was facing early retirement and the prospect of slaughter. Luckily, she was instead brought to us.

Whilst Happy likes to think he’s in charge, Lucky definitely has the final say. She came to us very fearful and anxious and although she is still is less comfortable with humans than some of our other cows, once you’ve earned her trust and developed a bond, she has come to enjoy affection and being brushed.
Lucille served many years as a dairy cow at a nearby farm. Again, she was brought to us, as an alternative to slaughter, once she was no longer able to produce milk.

Lucille was very quick to integrate and find her place amongst our existing cows and she is now a very content and relaxed cow.
Kaju, Penny and Rosie
Kaju, Penny and Rosie came to us from a local farmer who unfortunately could no longer care for them. All three were able to integrate quickly and now eagerly welcome brushing and human contact. They have still kept their strong family bond and will often be seen sharing from a single food bucket.
Kaju and Penny are siblings and can often be seen exploring the forest together.

Rosie is the daughter of Penny and baby of our family. She quickly managed to shake off her initial fear of humans and now approaches us with boisterous curiosity and playfulness.

Devi is the newest member our family and came to us from a nearby farm, due to medical issues preventing her from serving as a dairy cow. Devi is more anxious but, slowly but surely, she is developing a bond with our other cows and learning to trust humans again, after a difficult start in life.