From Nairobi Airport to Nairobi City:
We recommend a highly reliable and honest taxi driver, James Waichanguru. You can contact him at +254 721 341 830 or +254 739 341 830 or email him at .
If you need to stay overnight in Nairobi, a guesthouse that we have stayed at and recommend, which we have found to be safe, inexpensive, clean, and conveniently located is the Manyatta Backpackers in Nairobi. They have dorms and single rooms available, which you can book online.
Their address is Milimani Road; Nairobi 00502
Their contact number is: +254 712 816 603 or +254 720 905 498.
You may also contact them by email at: .
The cost of transportation from the Nairobi Airport to the Manyatta Backpackers is approximately 30 USD.
Two restaurants where you can easily find vegan and vegetarian options:
Healthy Foods Restaurant – Kimathi Street (Kenwood House), 1st Floor. +254 221 1018
Bridges Organic Health Restaurant – Trust Mansion Building, Tumban Rd. Off Kionange Street. +254 202 230 578
Directions from Nairobi City to Sadhana Forest Kenya:
It is best if you make the trip from Nairobi to Sadhana Forest Kenya in a single day. It is much safer and cheaper that way. In order to do that, it is best to be at the Nucleur, Nyamakima station, no later than 9am. From there, you take a direct shuttle/’matatu’ (not a privately owned one) to Nyahururu. The direct “luxury” shuttle should cost 500 KES, or 350 KES for a direct shuttle with less leg room.
It isn’t advised to stay overnight in Nyahururu. However, in case you must, we suggest Olympia Hotel, a clean and inexpensive guesthouse, costing approximately 800-1000 KES per night. They’re located on Koinange St. opposite Spear Supermarket. Go north on the main road from the Nucleur matatu bus stop (stage), and Koinange St is on the left before the Total petrol station. You may contact Olympia Hotel at +254 713 080 544 or
From Nyahururu, you can take a big bus of either Samburu Star or Maralal Safaris. These can be found at the bus station on the opposite side of the road from the Nucleur stage. The bus should cost 500 KES.
Before departing from Nyahururu please phone/text Sadhana Forest Kenya at one of the following numbers:
0704 976 908 or 0724 857 576 or 0721 794 008.
You will need to get off the bus in Kisima, where we can pick you up, approximately 22 km before Maralal. Inform the driver, and he will tell you when to get off. Please also phone/text us when the bus arrives in Sugata Marmar, a town approximately 30mins before Kisima.