The new single and double-person accommodation is nearing completion on the new land acquired this year by Sadhana Forest. Each Tamil-style hut has been built solely from natural materials, for example timber, palm leaves and coconut rope. Not a single nail was used! The huts have two levels, with the top level reached by a ladder. The lower level will soon be completed with flooring and assortment of shelving and seating. The simple design is exceptionally effective in the Tamil Nadu climate. The openness of the hut, and the size of the side windows allows maximum air flow through them, keeping them cool in the heat, and standing strong during the monsoon.

 The surrounding area in this new area of land will be a high intensity growing zone with wateremelons and beans already growing near the base of the huts!


 Work on the new Sadhana Forest Amphitheatre will begin this year, enabling us to host even bigger and better Eco-Film Club Nights and other events with a capacity of over 400. Watch this space!