Wednesday night in Sadhana is now home to an open-stage show. This is an opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to share their creativity with the community.
The various performances during open stage include, singing, dancing, acting, reciting poetry, hula-hooping, comedy, and many others creative performances.

Photo by Nina
Our new comers Ana and Tiago have brought music and instruments from Western Africa mixed with other influences to the stage. Our long term volunteer Nkoko, who has been hosting the event for the past month, brought singing groups (trained during his weekly singing workshops) to serenade us with more African songs. The stage has also produced tradition Tamil songs, weekly Hindi performances and much more.
Sadhana’s families are also able to share in the open stage. Many children dance to their parents’ songs, or join a theatrical performance. Stay up to date on all of the fun from open stage with more blog posts and future videos from the performances!

Photo by Nina
We are also very happy to share a poem from our long term volunteer Sebastian:
Silence precedes silence, a vacuum rushes in. I am blown aside, inside, outside, without thought. Experimental, my sentimental needs are wrenched by the roots, thrown into the cataclysm of oblivion and her army.
Empty space awaits with open arms and no judgment, a silence like no other, profound in its truth. Quiet is the noise of existence, becoming neutralised by cosmic rays and the earth turning in awe.
Terra Firma sighs, busy with nothing, busy with everything. Holding the line between life and death, between night and day. Solid in her awareness, just before dawn, just before dusk, holding her breath.
Endless is the search for peace, this ultimate state of truth, the deepest sense of being. Yet always waiting patiently, in the space between silence. Ageless, balanced, whole, breathless, void of reason, all absolutes nullified. Awakened, realised, certain, everything can only be, now.
The vacuum grows stronger, I become. Compressed into a sub atomic god of sustainable quantities, unquantifiable, perfect. In this ultimate moment of ultimate moments may I never suffer memory, the sadness of loss, this fragile human condition.
I try to embrace this rebirth, yet I shatter, into a million pieces and into a million pieces more, drifting endlessly. Scattered alone, still suffering the pain of existence, until eternity grows tired of being.
I am weary of remaining formless in this void of nothing and everything, forever knowing with words but never knowing with being. Dreaming of skies so perfect they melt and Clouds so beautiful they implode on a breeze so gentle trees cry.
Is it here I should forever be, enveloped in natures bosom, almost blinded by truth. Unattached but completely aware that everything I am,
is an infinite symphony of perfection,
suffocating in love.