Searching for Sugarman
86 Minutes / 2012 / English / Directed by: Malik Bendjelloul
Sixto Rodriguez was a Detroit folksinger who had a short-lived recording career with only two well received but non-selling albums. Unknown to Rodriguez, his musical story continued in South Africa where he became a pop music icon and inspiration for generations. Long rumored there to be dead by suicide, a few fans in the 1990s decided to seek out the truth of their hero’s fate. What follows is a bizarrely heartening story in which they found far more in their quest than they ever hoped, while a Detroit construction laborer discovered that his lost artistic dreams came true after all.
ADHD: Out of Control Kids
43 Minutes / 2015 / English / Directed by: Sue Younger
This poignant film examines the lives of people who suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Behavioural characteristics include severe distractibility, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Diagnosis has proved controversial as most sufferers are diagnosed when young and treatment is for life. Filmed in New Zealand, the programme shows the reality of dealing with children so difficult they can barely interact with their peers, let alone family members. The film also features adult sufferers who have had to live with the disorder, undiagnosed for much of their lives and the different methods of dealing with ADHD such as drugs, life management, natural remedies and counselling
Lifeline Express
58 Minutes / 2009 / English / Directed by Gerry Troyna
It’s based on a simple concept that if the people cannot reach a hospital, the hospital should reach the people. This is the story of a very special train – the Lifeline Express. Over a four week period, specialists will treat the poor with life saving and enhancing operations, aboard a stationary hospital train.
Congo, My Precious
52 Minutes / 2017 / English / Directed by Anastasia Trofimova
Congo, My Precious is an impactful portrait of human suffering. Its subjects are burdened by the ghosts of their past, and they long for normal lives free from terror and insurmountable economic hardship.
O Poema Imperfeito / The Imperfect Poem
40 Minutes / 2018 / Portuguese with English subtitles / Directed by: Zulmira Coimbra
The destruction of nature is considered a recent phenomenon. But long before the industrial revolution, what we believed to be the untouched nature, or the perfect poem, was not perfect anymore. When the palaeontologists started to dig up fossils, they revealed an extremely rich megafauna that became extinct as the human beings colonised the different continents.
The Cathedral Forest
45 Minutes / 2007 / English / Directed by: Patrick Rouxel
This film was commissioned by the WWF Gabon, both to raise awareness on the plight of the elephants who are being decimated for their tusks, and to promote the efforts of the eco-guards dedicated to the protection of the Minkebe forest.
Kisilu: The Climate Diaries
47 Minutes / 2015 / English / Julia Dahl
Climate change is affecting all regions of the globe, but some places are more vulnerable than others. Refusing to fall victim to the weather, Kisilu, a Kenyan smallholder farmer, uses a camera to capture the human impact of climate change. Filming over four years, he documents the floods, droughts and storms that menace his and his community’s farms, forcing some to stop tending the fields and seek work in towns and cities.
46 Minutes / 2017 / English / Directed by: Complexity Labs
Cities have been for thousands of years the centers of civilization as they have watched empires, kingdoms, governments, and corporations come and go. But in the space of just a few decades our urban fabric is undergoing a radical transformation. This documentary explores this changing landscape and the development of urban networks as the emerging geography of connectivity in an age of globalization.
63 Minutes / 2007 / English / Scott J. Gill
The Mars Underground is a documentary that follows Dr. Zubrin and his team as they try to bring this incredible dream of getting humans to Mars in the next ten years to life. This film takes us on a daring first journey to the Red Planet and envisions a future Mars teeming with life and terraformed into a blue world.
59 Minutes / English / David Coleman & Ashok Prasad
In this documentary world-acclaimed statistician, Professor Hans Rosling, introduces an amazing depiction of our rapidly developing world, regarding the population growth. He’ll tell you how world’s population is changing and what today’s data tell us about the future of the world we live in. We undeniably face huge challenges, but the good news is that the future may not be quite as gloom and that mankind already is doing better than many of you think.