Eco Film Club

Every Friday we get together to watch a film with themes that relate to Sadhana Forest. These can be films about environment, natural history, social issues, etc.

We open this evening to guests and welcome anyone that would like to share this evening with us. Reservations are not required. We provide a free shuttle bus from the center of Auroville to Sadhana Forest and back. Before the featured film we have a tour of the project, explaining the project’s mission, achievements, challenges, and future aspirations.

After the film we provide a vegan, organic dinner free of charge. This evening is given as a gift. To read more about why we don't charge for activities such as these go to: "Gift Economy".


  • 16:00 - Our first shuttle bus leaves from The Solar Kitchen (located in the center of Auroville) to Sadhana Forest. Whoever wants to come for the tour of the project should take this bus.
  • 16:30 - 18:30 Tour of the project.
  • 18:00 - Our second shuttle bus leaves from The Solar Kitchen (located in the center of Auroville) to Sadhana Forest. Whoever wants to come just for the movie and not the tour of the project should take this bus.
  • 18:30 - 19:00 Screening of films about Sadhana Forest.
  • 19:00 - Screening of the featured Eco Film Club movie.
  • 20:30 - Vegan organic dinner served.
  • 21:30 - Bus returns to The Solar Kitchen in Auroville.

This Week At The Eco Film Club:

  • September 8

    This week: Well known for his column in widely circulated periodicals, George Monbiot has much to offer in this documentary. With wit and optimism, he provides us with much to think about and a call to contemplate a new way of relating to each other and the planet. 2018 / 46 minutes / VPRO

  • September 1

    This week’s documentary dives deep into the world of water! No other substance has been so studied and yet still holds so many questions as water. Scientist try to unlock the secrets of Water. 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by liquid water. The documentary gives us insights into the fascinating landscapes created by […]

  • August 25

    This week’s inspiring documentary takes us on a journey into the activities of four young girls who are paving a way forward in their respective countries. They offer solutions to the climate crisis that are simple, straight-forward and people-oriented. In addition to their ideas, they also offer hope. 2022 / 88 minutes / DW

  • August 18

    This week we have two documentaries showing: The first documentary shows us a whole new approach to farming. It is an approach centered around protecting and enriching soil and all its inhabitants. The second short film captures the story about a group of women in Vellore, in South India who revived a river. 2021 / […]

  • August 11

    This week we have two short documentaries playing! The first documentary follows the journey of Brigid LeFevre and her Community Supported Agricultural Operation. Her approach towards regenerative farming helps the local community with reliable, safe and nutritious food whilst enriching soil in each successive season. The second film tells the story of perseverance of Philippine […]

  • August 4

    While it becomes clear that catastrophic climate change is now inevitable it also opens up a whole new set of questions: How exactly did we arrive at this point? What new choices can we make now regarding how to live our lives and what actions make sense at this time.   This week’s film provides […]

  • July 28

    The future is uncertain and full of challenges. How do we rescue our cities and tackle inequalities? How do we deal with an aging future and bridging the gender gap? It’s time for some forward thinking. This week’s film looks at how the German car industry is adapting to cater for elderly workers and travels […]

  • July 21

      Today we have two short films that encompass widely differing approaches to the climate change but focus on the hopeful possibility of thriving even as the world changes.   The first documentary explores the viability of floating cities as a consequence of rising water levels. The short documentary highlights the adaptability required to live […]

  • July 14

    This documentary explores the possibility of getting more out of life with less material possessions. Through the simple lives and stories of minimalists from all walks of life – families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker — all of whom are experiencing the joys of minimalism, you can learn […]

  • July 7

      In the first film, you will be amazed by the avenues of recycling available! This documentary covers a whole range of ways forward through the plastic pollution predicament posed to the public. The film serves as a reminder that there is so much we can do, if we’re open to new ways of interacting […]

May the forest be with you.
Sadhana Forest