Eco Film Club

Every Friday we get together to watch a film with themes that relate to Sadhana Forest. These can be films about environment, natural history, social issues, etc.

We open this evening to guests and welcome anyone that would like to share this evening with us. Reservations are not required. We provide a free shuttle bus from the center of Auroville to Sadhana Forest and back. Before the featured film we have a tour of the project, explaining the project’s mission, achievements, challenges, and future aspirations.

After the film we provide a vegan, organic dinner free of charge. This evening is given as a gift. To read more about why we don't charge for activities such as these go to: "Gift Economy".


  • 16:00 - Our first shuttle bus leaves from The Solar Kitchen (located in the center of Auroville) to Sadhana Forest. Whoever wants to come for the tour of the project should take this bus.
  • 16:30 - 18:30 Tour of the project.
  • 18:00 - Our second shuttle bus leaves from The Solar Kitchen (located in the center of Auroville) to Sadhana Forest. Whoever wants to come just for the movie and not the tour of the project should take this bus.
  • 18:30 - 19:00 Screening of films about Sadhana Forest.
  • 19:00 - Screening of the featured Eco Film Club movie.
  • 20:30 - Vegan organic dinner served.
  • 21:30 - Bus returns to The Solar Kitchen in Auroville.

This Week At The Eco Film Club:

  • Documentary, 105 minutes, 2001. Directed by Pan Nalin Ayurveda is science of life and art of healing; where body, mind and spirit are given equal importance. This voyage of thousands of miles across India and abroad takes you on a unique poetic journey, where we encounter remarkable men of medicine or simply a villager who […]

  • Documentary – 88 minutes, 2014. A film by Ahooha Completely crowd-funded, Seeds of Permaculture is an interactive film about permaculture in the tropics that was shot at The Rak Tamachat Permaculture Education Center and The Panya Project, Thailand. The film sheds light on topics such as Composting, Solar heating, Fruit forest, Gardening, Banana circles, Humanure […]

  • Feb 14

    Documentary – 76 minutes, 2010. Tom Shadyac. English, USA What’s wrong with our world? And What can we do about it? 

With a film crew of four, Director Tom Shadyac (Nutty Proffessor, Bruce Almighty) visits some of today’s great minds, including authors, poets, teachers, religious leaders, and scientists (Howard Zinn, Lynn McTaggart, Desmond Tutu, Thom […]

  • Genre: Documentary. Directors: Bridgeman and Jamie Catto. USA, 2008. 52 minutes Won Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary Feature in 2008 at the Utah Film Festival, USA “What About Me?” is the culmination of 4 years work visiting 50 global locations collecting wisdom and musical jewels. It’s an inspiring and alarming look at our collective […]

  • Yamuna, water, India 2008, 26 minutes, H.D. French & English, subtitles in both languages. Hindi Water 2013, 26 minutes, H.D. French & English, subtitles in both languages. The story of one of the most polluted rivers of the world and the will of one man to stop what looks unstoppable. The second film captures the […]

  • Jan 24

    USA, 2011 – 95 minutes. Directed by Kevin Macdonald Nominated for Best Documentary at British Independent Film Award and Evening Standard British Film Award Life in a Day is a crowd sourced drama/documentary film comprising an arranged series of video clips selected from 80,000 clips submitted to the YouTube video sharing website, the clips showing […]

  • One Giant Leap have created a unique music, TV and film project. What About Me? is the culmination of 4 years work visiting 50 global locations collecting wisdom and musical jewels. It’s an inspiring and alarming look at our collective insanity: how we are ego-driven, needy in relationships, insatiable in desire, addicted to status, wounded […]

  • JAN 10

    USA, 2012 – 102 minutes. Directed by Ron Fricke Nominated for Best Documentary at various film festivals and winner at the Dublin Film Critics Award Filmed over nearly five years in twenty-five countries on five continents, and shot on seventy-millimetre film, Samsara transports us to the varied worlds of sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial complexes, […]

  • In Kanpur, India, an electricity thief provides Robin Hood style services to the poor in the face of daylong power-cuts. Meanwhile the first female chief of the local electricity supply company has vowed to put an end to all illegal connections, for good. In a summer of crisis, both come to terms with India’s energy crisis.

May the forest be with you.
Sadhana Forest