One beautiful contribution came after the cyclone, at the beginning of the year from a volunteer named Claudius. His wish was to fund and build a Yurt and share his knowledge of the subject with anyone here interested to learn.

Construction began shortly and a team of volunteers rushed to finish the Yurt in the time, just over a month, that claudius had left in India.

Initiation of the Yurt

Making a circle where the Yurt will soon be

Frame for the Roof

Frame awaiting roofing beams.


Smalls bits and bobs

Smalls bits and bobs to screw the parts together.

Finishing the roof beams

Claudius and Yandi pulling up parts of the roof

Yurt Team

The Yurt team in-front of the Yurt awaiting the final step – roofing!

Thank you very much Claudius!!!